Yes, Yes, Yes… Here It Is!
Can my new home be brick without cladding issues?
Can it have four 'proper' bedrooms?
Can it be in the Taumata School Zone?
Can it look attractive from the road?
Can it be in a great street where people want to live?
Can it have a separate lounge, with big stacker doors?
What about an entertaining area... can we have BBQs?
Is there a decent backyard?
Fenced for a dog... and the kids?
Sunny and modern...
Bright and fresh...
2019 build...
In a price range we can afford?
Can you find me a home?
Yes, I can! This is the property you have been hoping for, which has the things you want in the place you want them. The vendor is realistic and wants it sold. Come and see it for yourself and finally get the home you have been asking for. Call Kath today.